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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Nevada Dream Tag program?
An exciting new way to benefit Nevada’s wildlife and habitat and win special big game hunt tags through a raffle and to hunt those species statewide in Nevada at any time during the hunting seasons established by the Board of Wildlife Commissioners.  Weapon class rules apply for the open season.

Who do I talk to if I have a question?
You are welcome to contact Lauren Sgandurra, Philanthropic Advisor at Community Foundation of Northern Nevada at 

How did the Dream Tags program get started?
It was the “dream” of several Nevada sportswomen and was approved in the Nevada 2009 Legislature and then clarified and refined in the Nevada 2011 Legislature.

What are the relevant Nevada Revised Statutes and/or regulations?
NRS 502.219 – NRS 502.225, NRS 502.500; NAC 502.4269 – 502.42696   

Does NDOW conduct the Dream Tags raffle?
While NDOW administers the program and sells the Resource Enhancement Stamp, by statute the Dream Tags raffle is managed by the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada.  The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is contracted with a private entity,, who conducts the raffle and issues the Dream Tags.

Who is the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada (CFNN)?
The nonprofit Community Foundation of Northern Nevada is a 501(c)(3) public charity that is a resource in the region to promote and enable philanthropy to improve the community. They oversee and manage over 280 funds.  Visit to learn more.

Why doesn’t NDOW conduct the Dream Tags raffle? Why is it handled by the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada?
The Legislature made this determination when reviewing existing Nevada laws regarding raffles.  In Nevada, raffles can only be held by nonprofit organizations.  Due to gaming in Nevada, lotteries are prohibited, but nonprofit raffles are allowed.  To this end, this program is referred to as a “raffle,” not a “lottery.”

NRS 502.500 Applicability of provisions governing lotteries. The provisions of chapter 462 of NRS do not apply to the distribution of any tags under this chapter, regardless of the manner in which the tags are distributed or the entity that distributes the tags.

What do I have to do to qualify for the Dream Tags raffle?
Both residents and non-residents are eligible.

  1. You can buy tickets as long as you will be twelve or older before the first hunts. The season dates are not set until March each year, and the first archery seasons typically open in August, so young hunters with August birthdays could be affected.
  2. You may also purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp at this time, if you wish to do so.

Can I buy a Resource Enhancement Stamp while applying online for the NDOW big game draw?
Yes, and its purchase period is not limited just to the big game draw application period.  One stop shopping for NDOW applications, Resource Enhancement Stamps, and Dream Tags raffle tickets is available in any of the NDOW tag draw application periods throughout the year.

Where else can I buy the Resource Enhancement Stamp?

You can buy the stamp from NDOW’s consumer website at You can also buy the stamp at an NDOW customer service counter.

Do I have to apply for a big game tag if I purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp?
No.  Buying a Resource Enhancement Stamp is a great way for the non-hunter to support wildlife programs.  Any person may voluntarily donate money to the Wildlife Account in the State General Fund by purchasing a resource enhancement stamp, but it is not a requirement in order to be eligible to purchase Dream Tags.

Can I buy the Resource Enhancement Stamp at a Wal-Mart or my regular license agent?
No, the stamps are only available at NDOW counters, on the consumer website (, through the Dream Tags website (, and during any of the application periods at the Application Hunt site (

What is the purchase period and valid period for the Resource Enhancement Stamp?
The Resource Enhancement Stamp can be purchased from March 1 to June 30.  The stamp will have a valid period of July 1 – June 30 every year.  Stamps purchased through June 30 will be for the current year Dream Tags raffle.

Where does the money from the sale of Resource Enhancement Stamps go?
All money received by the Department for Resource Enhancement Stamps under this section must be deposited with the State Treasurer for credit to the Wildlife Fund Account in the State General Fund.

Is the Resource Enhancement Stamp fee refundable?
No, by statute, Resource Enhancement Stamp fees are non-refundable.

Can I buy the Dream Tags raffle tickets while applying for the NDOW big game draw on-line?
Yes.  As with the Resource Enhancement Stamp, one-stop shopping for NDOW applications and Dream Tags raffle tickets is available in any of the NDOW draw application processes.  Additionally, you can purchase Dream Tags raffle tickets after any of the NDOW draw application periods at the Dream Tags website ( through June 30th each year.

Can I apply for “regular” tags and buy tickets for the “Dream Tags”?
Yes.  The NDOW draw will be completed nearly a month before the Dream Tags raffle occurs, and you can apply for tags in the big game draw without fear of jeopardizing your Dream Tags options. If you should happen to draw a tag in the NDOW draw and then win the Dream Tag for the same species, you must return the NDOW-drawn tag to obtain the Dream Tag.

If I am a non-hunter, but would like to purchase the Resource Enhancement Stamp to support wildlife, can I do that?
Yes.  You can buy the Resource Enhancement Stamp only (without purchasing Dream Tags raffle tickets), through the consumer site at  The website is intended for Dream Tags raffle ticket sales; you may purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp (if needed) concurrently with the purchase of at least one raffle ticket.

I want to purchase the stamp AND Dream Tags raffle tickets for friends or family.  How do I do that?
Be sure to purchase the Resource Enhancement Stamp in the name of each person you will be buying Dream Tags raffle tickets for.  If you wish to purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp, you may do so at an NDOW counter or on the NWDS Consumer website,, or by telephone, and then use the Dream Tags sales website to purchase your raffle tickets subsequently, or you can do it all at once at

Can a person who failed to file their big game harvest questionnaire purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp?
Yes, the Resource Enhancement Stamp can still be purchased because it is not a tag.  However, raffle tickets cannot be purchased for a Dream Tag if the hunter is ineligible for that hunt year by NOT returning a completed harvest questionnaire. If a hunter draws a Dream Tag and has not filed a required harvest questionnaire, the tag will be awarded to the next candidate in the draw.

If someone is on Interstate Wildlife Violators Compact revocation can they purchase a Resource Enhancement Stamp? 
The stamp is not a hunting, fishing, or trapping privilege so a sportsman can purchase the Resource Enhancement Stamp from the Department, from the consumer site, or at  However, being on revocation will prevent them from applying through the Application Hunt System site so they will not be able to make the purchase there.  Additionally, if a hunter on revocation draws a Dream Tag, the tag will be awarded to the next candidate in the draw.

What does it cost to participate in the Dream Tags raffle?
It costs $5.00 for each Dream Tags raffle ticket purchased.  There are also electronic application fees of $0.75 for each Dream Tags raffle ticket.

What is the purchase period for the Dream Tags raffle?
October 15 – June 30

When I purchase one or more raffle tickets, will I receive paper raffle tickets?
You will receive an email confirmation of your raffle ticket purchases (whether one or many) each time you make purchases.  This confirmation will include confirmation # and the details of your purchase (species and number of tickets).  You won’t receive actual “paper tickets,” as the raffle is all electronic.

 What species are involved?

  1. The statute prescribes that any big game species with a quota of 50 or more in the previous year will have a single tag in the Dream Tags raffle.
  2. The species for which Dream tags could be awarded under the restrictions stated above could be Deer, Elk, Antelope, Desert (Nelson) Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep, and Black Bear.

Can I buy raffle tickets for more than one species?
Yes, you can buy tickets for any or all of the species offered.

How many raffle tickets can I buy?
There is no limit, and each ticket you buy increases your odds to win. You may purchase unlimited tickets numerous times throughout the sales period.

Can I buy Dream Tags raffle tickets on the phone or through the mail?
No, you can only purchase the raffle tickets online.  The Dream Tags website ( is the most informative website to learn about the Dream Tags program and provides a link to purchase raffle tickets. However, if you purchase your RES during any of the NDOW application periods a link to will be provided on the confirmation screen.

Can I buy Dream Tags raffle tickets at a Wal-Mart or my regular license agent?
No, you can only purchase the raffle tickets online.  The Dream Tags website ( is the most informative website to learn about the Dream Tags program and provides a link to purchase raffle tickets.

Can I buy Dream Tags raffle tickets at an NDOW customer service counter?
While you can purchase the Resource Enhancement Stamps at an NDOW customer service counter, you can only purchase the raffle tickets online at . This is the most informative website to learn about the Dream Tags program and provides the link to purchase raffle tickets.

Can a person who failed to file their big game harvest questionnaire purchase raffle tickets?
A hunter who is required to file a harvest report and fails to do so is ineligible for all big game hunt tags, including Dream Tags, for the following season unless he/she pays the $50 administrative fee before the Big Game Draw.  If someone who did not file a required harvest questionnaire draws a Dream Tag, it will be awarded to the next eligible hunter in the draw.

Can a person who owes money to the Department purchase raffle tickets?
Yes, the sportsman can purchase raffle tickets, BUT if he/she wins a Dream Tag, their outstanding fees must be cleared to obtain that tag.

Can I purchase Dream Tags tickets for a species that I’m currently in a waiting period for because of previously drawn tags?
Yes, you can purchase Dream Tags raffle tickets even if you are ineligible for the same species due to a waiting period.

Are Dream Tags raffle ticket fees refundable?
No, by regulation, ticket fees are non-refundable.

Where does the money from the Dream Tags raffle go?
Per statute, all money received by the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada from the proceeds of the Dream Tags raffle, less the cost of the Dream Tags purchased by the Foundation and any administrative costs charged by the Foundation, must be used for the preservation, protection, management or restoration of game and its habitat, as determined by the Advisory Board on Dream Tags.

If I win a Dream Tag in the Dream Tags raffle, how does that affect my other eligibility?

  1. If you draw a tag through the NDOW draw and then draw the Dream Tag for the same species, you will have to return your NDOW-drawn tag to obtain the Dream Tag.  For example, if a hunter draws an antlered deer tag through the NDOW draw AND a Dream Tag for antlered deer, the hunter must return the NDOW-drawn antlered deer tag to the Department.  However, if the hunter draws an antlerless deer tag, cow elk tag or a horns-shorter-than-ears antelope tag AND a Dream Tag, the hunter may retain that NDOW-drawn antlerless deer tag, cow elk tag, or a horns-shorter-than-ears antelope tag.
  2. Returning the NDOW-drawn tag will result in the restoration of your bonus points and eligibility and a refund of your tag fee, but there is no refund of your application fees in the regular NDOW draw.

When will the  Dream Tags raffle be conducted?
Shortly after July 1.

How will I know if I’ve won?
If you win, you will receive a notification email.  All winners will be posted on in early July.  There will be one winner per species for Deer, Elk, Antelope, Desert (Nelson) Bighorn Sheep, California Bighorn Sheep (if available), and Black Bear (if available).

Who pays the tag fees for Dream Tags?  Who pays the license fees for winners who have no license?
The Community Foundation of Northern Nevada purchases the tags from NDOW and will purchase the hunting license for a winner if applicable.

If I am a winner, how will I receive my Dream Tag?
After the winners are selected and their eligibility (Hunter Ed, license, revocations, return cards, etc.) is verified by NDOW, the Community Foundation of Northern Nevada’s contractor will mail the tags.

How does NDOW ensure that the winners of Dream Tags are eligible to receive a Dream Tag?
Anyone may purchase Dream Tags Raffle tickets at, regardless of whether they are eligible to hunt by meeting the hunter education requirements, being in good standing with harvest reports for the previous season, or being on revocation in Nevada or any other Wildlife Violator Compact member state.

When the winning hunters are drawn, the names are assessed by NDOW for eligibility before the winners are announced and the tags mailed out.  If a winning hunter is ineligible due to Hunter Ed, a missing harvest report, or a revocation, the tag will be awarded to an alternate hunter drawn during the Dream Tags drawing.

Hunters who wish to purchase Dream Tags Raffle tickets through the Nevada Hunt website at during a regular hunt application process, however, will not be able to purchase tickets if ineligible due to Hunter Ed, missing harvest reports, or revocations.

If I have a problem buying Resource Enhancement Stamps or Dream Tags Raffle Tickets on, who do I call?
Please contact the vendor,, at 702-847-8747.

What other information resources are available?